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Discover why your eyelid trembles!

Dr. Martín Guzmán, Ophthalmologist Specialist in Eyelid Surgery, Orbit, and Lacrimal Duct at CODET, brings us clear and practical answers in this article. 

Surely it has happened to you: that small tremor in the eyelid that sometimes worries us, and we don’t know why it occurs. Dr. Martín Guzmán, ophthalmologist specialist in Eyelid Surgery, Orbit, and Lacrimal Duct at CODET, brings us clear and practical answers in this article. 

In the recent video shared on our TikTok profile, Dr. Guzmán explains that these small movements are known as Myokymias. This tremor can have various causes, from stress to a lack of potassium in our body. 

The video explores how these small fasciculations can significantly improve with stress reduction, suggesting practices such as mindfulness, yoga, or meditation. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balanced diet and considering potassium supplementation to overcome this uncomfortable situation. 

“Improving stress through mindfulness, yoga, meditation, or adjusting potassium supplementation in the diet can make a difference,” shares Dr. Guzmán, providing practical advice for the care of our eyes. 

But what if the tremor persists or evolves into the complete closure of the eyelid? 

This is known as “Blepharospasm,” a more complex phenomenon that, although its causes are still unknown, can be effectively treated with Botulinum Toxin, known as Botox. 

“Botulinum Toxin can also be applied for fasciculations when they become very bothersome or prolonged,” explains Dr. Guzmán, offering an effective solution for more persistent situations. 

This video not only reveals the causes of eyelid tremors but also provides practical advice and medical solutions. 

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