“Eye Infections by Viruses” authored by CODET Doctors
CODET Specialists Contribute to Publication on Cornea Donation and Transplantation During COVID-19.
The Guide of Recommendations on Cornea Donation and Transplantation During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mexico was published in January 2021. The publication was an initiative of the Mexican Center for Cornea and Refractive Surgery (Centro Mexicano de Córnea y Cirugía Refractiva) and the Mexican Association of Ocular Tissue Banks A.C.( Asociación Mexicana de Bancos de Tejidos Oculares A.C).
This initiative was undertaken to provide evidence-based information to all visual health professionals, helping them support their decisions during the reactivation of the corneal donation, procurement, and transplantation programs.
CODET Vision Institute specialists, Dr. Arturo Chayet and Dr. Denisse Pinkus participated in this initiative as authors of the chapter entitled “Eye Infections by Viruses.” Dr. Chayet and Dr. Pinkus express the importance of following the quality standards established in each country and those established by different national and international organizations, such as the Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA) and the European Eye Bank Association (EEBA), in the process of obtaining, processing, transplantation, and monitoring of ocular tissues.
They remind readers that despite the low risk of viral diseases being transmitted through corneal transplantation, there should always be an adequate evaluation of donors and ocular tissues in the Eye Banks, since these are essential to offering safety and quality in the ocular tissue to be transplanted.
Dr. Chayet and Dr. Pinkus are both specialists in Cornea, Cataracts, and Refractive Surgery at CODET Vision Institute.