Bags Under the Eyes
As we grow older, tissues around the eye gradually weaken and sag. This loss of skin tone allows fat to shift forward into the lower eyelids, making them look puffy and swollen.
What Causes Bags under Eyes?
As we grow older, tissues around the eye gradually weaken and sag. This loss of skin tone allows fat to shift forward into the lower eyelids, making them look puffy and swollen. Fluid can also pool in this area and lead to edema (swelling) This can contribute to the puffy appearance.
Shadows may also appear under the eyes. They may be cast by swollen, puffy eyelids due to aging.
Other factors can contribute to eye bags, including:
- Not getting enough sleep
- Smoking tobacco
- Allergies
- Retaining fluid (often after waking up, or after eating salty food)
- Inheriting this condition (it can run in families)
While having bags or shadows under your eyes may give the appearance of fatigue, it is usually harmless. However, if swelling of the eye area is painful, itchy, red or does not go away, see your ophthalmologist.
What Can You Do for Eye Bags?
Eyelid surgery for bags under eyes
Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) can be either a cosmetic procedure or a functional/reconstructive procedure. When eyelid malpositioning or certain types of drooping affect vision, reconstructive surgery is usually the only possible way to correct the problem. The surgeons at CODET Vision Institute in Tijuana, México are blepharoplasty expertes
In addition to correcting bags under eyes, blepharoplasty can also repair baggy or puffy upper eyelids.
Although Blepharoplasty is a simple and well-understood procedure, it should be carried out only by experienced and certified professionals specializing in eyelid surgery. CODET’s Dr. Martin Guzman is our expert, certified Oculoplastic Surgeon.

Dark Circles vs. Shadows Under Eyes
Have you ever looked in the mirror after a long, sleepless night and discovered dark circles under your eyes? Chances are you probably saw shadows cast by puffy eyelids. Or those dark areas may be hollows under your eyes that develop as a normal part of aging. Shadows are not the same thing as true dark circles under eyes.
Here are some facts about dark circles under eyes:
- While anyone can have dark circles under eyes, elderly people are more likely to have it. Thanks to the loss of fat and collagen and thinning skin that comes with aging, the reddish-blue blood vessels under your eyes become more obvious.
- Dark under-eye circles are often inherited (called periorbital hyperpigmentation).
- People from ethnic groups with darker skin tones are more likely to have dark circles under their eyes.
- Hay fever and allergies can cause dark circles under eyes.
- For some people, exposure to the sun can make their body produce more melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color. This can lead to dark circles under eyes.
- Avoidance of sun exposure, treating allergies and not smoking can help. Additionally, the use of hydroquinone creams may lighten areas of increased pigmentation.
If you’re concerned about the appearance of the skin under your eyes, see your ophthalmologist. They will be able to sort through the causes of the “bag or dark circle” and recommend the right treatment if needed.